Portable digital electrocardiograph of latest generation with many expansion possibilities. Completely automatic, with two functional programs; Manual (in real time), Automatic (synchro) with simultaneous signal acquisition in 10 second of the 12 leads. Timed with simultaneous acquisition at programmable intervals. Informative display and alphanumeric Keyboard for patient data. Unlimited copy printing capability of the last ECG recording. High definition thermal head printing system on 60 mm wide paper with multiple print formats 1-2+R-3 and Cabrera channel, including date and time registration. ADF filter and automatic trace centring always active. Wireless (Ir) PC connection. Simplified software updating system for extra functionality. Marker and parameter calculation.
Optional Programs: ECG Interpretative analysis program: 20 ECG storing and archiving on PC: Real time ECG PC mode with monitor function.
Hubungi Kami : 031-70001157 atau 031-70001148
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